Our America
State of Sex Offenders
In 2011, Lisa Ling went into America’s communities to understand how we deal with some of our most feared criminals—sex offenders—and just what life on the sex offender registry looks like. (Original air date: March 1, 2011) // Watch more episodes from this series on the Watch OWN app: https://bit.ly/watchownapp
Runtime: 42:44
Source: OWN Network YouTube Channel. Posted for educational and informative purposes only.
Why Some Sex Offenders Never Get Out of Prison
Much of what our society considers common knowledge about sex offenders is currently under debate — from the efficacy of the registry, to housing restrictions, to what treatment, if any, works. One of the most controversial practices is “dead time” — where sex offenders stay in prison for years beyond their sentence, simply because there is no where else for them to go. VICE News’s Alice Hines reports on how our society’s efforts to protect the public from violence ended up backfiring.
Video contains strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.
Runtime: 43:02
Source: VICE News YouTube Channel. Posted for educational and informative purposes only.
Special License Plates for
FL Sex Offenders
Democratic Senator Lauren Book introduced a bill that would force Florida sex offenders and sexual predators to get bright green license plates.
Runtime: 2:04
Source: NBC2 News YouTube Channel. Posted for educational and informative purposes only.
Sex Offender Laws Found Unconstitutional
It’s been happening in many parts of the country. As more and more Courts see the light, our Cause is automatically strengthened and Florida looks more and more ridiculous.
Runtime: 3:33
Source: Florida Action Committee. Posted for educational and informative purposes only.